Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Just for the heck of it

Just another blog that nobody will read. Good. I just like to write, I don't really care if people will read it or not.
Just talking to myself, as usual. Actually, I am planning to write a story to vindicate a few other stories that I read and left me frustrated with fiction, people who write fiction and people who read fiction as well with the world in general.
Still one of the happiest realizations of maturity is: I didn't came here to fix a broken world. I came here to enjoy myself. It takes some work, but what the hell, helps to make time goes faster. And, yeah. If it all works well, I will enjoy writing this story.
Fact is, there's nothing to be fixed, and so much to be enjoyed. People create their problems and little petty doramas. I will create my little petty comedy. I just can't stand tragedy. If there's something in this world I've grown too old for, it's tragedy.
Why people complicate their lives to the point of tragedy beats the hell out of me.
Ok, I can't deny I've been involved in a few of them. But things started to change, when I said. let's make it simple. Starting by being satisfied with what I have.
Or working in that direction. In this world where we want things. We want so much and in 99.9% of the cases, it doesn't have anything to do with what we actually need. I kinda figure. When we are born we need to please the gods. AKA our parents. That sounds fair because if we don't please one such gods, we're doomed. They won't provide us with food and shelter and we will die for this world. And that's where all the dorama starts. Trying to please other humans to survive. We start by calling them gods and there's no end to it. We are raise to appease the gods, and they start coming in many forms. The god teacher, priest, boss, girlfriend/boyfriend, government, police. As we grow up, the world just grows polytheistic. And as good and devout believers we build ourselves and our lives as servants of eight million gods and then some. Wrathful gods, hard to please gods we have to serve each and every one of them gods.

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